Monday, 31 December 2012

Beloveth in Christ,

Finally the year 2012 is over and all one can say had it not been for the good Lord...... each one of us can fill in the gaps, but from all of us here in Kampala we want to say God has seen us through and there is so much to be thankful for despite the many ups and downs.

As I write this I am so far away from the city in my tiny village some 450 km away from Kampala city with my Mom in our rural home. Home has never been the same again since our Dad passed away some three months ago. The departure is so real but every where I walk in our compound here his presence is so real and one just wonders at the impact of the loss of a loved one.

I have decided to spend the rest of the week leading into the new year to be with my Mom just to be around and help where I can; life in a typical rural Uganda village can be harsh a lot of things/issues have risen since the passing away of my Dad and it seems all eyes are set on me to handle some of this things, so as you start this new year please remember to pray for me for wisdom and courage to confront some huge cultural challenges with prayer and tact before I can get back to start a new year at UCf.

Meanwhile at UCf we are poised to start the new year with new set of leaders, dreaming big and trusting that we can be able to complete our huge building project. One thing I desire and love to see God opening for us afresh this year starting 2013 is a great door to reach out more to many of our students who are in the market place.

Join us in prayer as we all do our part in touching our nation form the top and from all of us here in Kampala we wish you the best of the year 2013 and know that you are a very integral part of our lives here and deeply appreciate your love prayer and support.

Blessings and happy new Year,

Micah, Grace, Reba and Helen Rwothumio.   

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Dear Friends,

Greetings and what a joy to be writing this to you this final month of the year 2012. We are glad that you are a great part of our lives your love, prayer and support is what makes the huge differences in our lives as we serve God's people here in Kampala. I take this opportunity to share just a brief message with you.

1. The year 2012 has been a fast paced packed year for me, I find myself to have literally been overtaken by all kinds of events both good and bad, but in all I have seen God's sustaining and amazing hand over our lives, in the midst of all that we have gone through. A painful death in the family, the huge building project in the church left us to date still scattered, without your prayers and love and support it would have been a different story. So thank you so much for being there for us. 

2. There has also been some big change with our girls at school, our girl Reba has to change from a public school to a family based Christian school a move that changed her world around, shaken her to the core but has worked miracle in turning her life around academically; much as she still needs to work hard, her whole attitude toward study has changed for the better and we praise God for that. Helen completed High school and taking some course as she continues to train hard in athletics. Her passion is to compete one day in the Olympics.

3. With this year coming to an end we find ourselves still limping with our huge building project, much as we have made a huge step in the project the final completion stage has proved to be a big high climb for us with our student based congregation in terms of giving. I am asking you to consider helping us again as we close this year with a special support that can go toward the completion of this structure. Our hearts desire is that we can finish this building and start using it early next year and this is only going to be possible if we have hard cash to pay for what is left. So as we all move toward this holiday season please consider to stand with us in completing this HUGE project.     

Please know that every single support makes a huge difference and goes a long way, and so we will really appreciate your help. All our support is sent through Patners in Evangelism International, 5518 West Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639. "Please indicate - UCF Project - 26200"

From all of us here we want to wish you the very best of God's blessings as you celebrate Christmas and thanks for being a great part of our lives and much blessings to you.  

Micah and Grace Rwothumio.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012



This is our second mail to you, as you take time to read this please know that we totally covet your prayers for us as we move close to the end of the year 2012. The past six weeks I have had the opportunity to simply sit under the teaching and preaching of some of the emerging leaders of UCF. It is so enriching to see someone else preach. You keep thinking that is possibly what I would say if I was the one on the pulpit. That said, I have had a good time learning and be encouraged by others especially as I deal with grief in my life.

In this blog I would love to share with you two key areas of concern and prayer needs in regard to what is going on at University Community Fellowship (UCF).

University Community Fellowship (UCF).
The church is about ten years old now, there is not much change in the dynamic of our ministry.  We continue to be committed and fully involved in the lives of the students.  Over the years we have NOT experienced real turn over in church from the students who have graduated and are settling in the city. To put it bluntly UCF has continued to grow but the growth is more in terms of new people coming and going but not staying.

This puts us in a real dilemma.  Each school year we deal with new students, but basically the same needs of students,  and each year we invest in the new students who will be with us for the next three or four years and then they are gone. Less than 2% of those who graduate basically will stay with UCF. So over the years, as I have said, the turn over has not been encouraging.

Just imagine you have over 100 students who have been part of the church, they then graduate and less than 10 stay around. So for years, retaining the students has been a huge challenge which brings us to the second concern.  We have to date not been able to build a viable, self sustaining ministry here at UCf, in terms of giving and footing all our bills. If it was not for the support of friends like you, ministry at UCf wouldn’t have been possible. Can I say thanks for praying, thanks for loving us and thanks for supporting God’s work at UCF.

Most of our meager giving has helped little in developing our ministry. As much as we are starting to see some little change, we still have a long way to go. Sometimes we feel like changing our vision to focus more on those graduates who have left school and are in the market place.   But we recognize that God has called us and given us this one vision to “Touch Our Nation From The Top” continuing to provide an environment that students can be reached with the love of Jesus and challenged to think biblically and live godly lives so they can impact their world for Jesus.  So to date we strongly feel that we cannot deviate from that vision even if sustaining that vision continues to be a huge challenge for us.

The numbers of students who are settling at UCf may not add up, but the testimony of changed lives is exactly what really keeps us going.  There are times I keep asking myself what if the thousands of students who have gone through UCf all met in one place? I meet many of our students who have graduated, some working in the banks and others in different places.  They know me but I have no clue who they are when they stop me in the middle of the street be it in Kampala or Nairobi.  The conversation would goes like this---  Pastor how are you? My first question to them would be where have we met? And the reply is often, I used to be at UCf.  And my response is “soooo where are you now?” Pastor I’m at home or I now pray at my parents church. So over the years I have met so many of our students in many places on planes, in Dubai, in New York, in Chicago in Los Angeles where ever I go.

I want to share with you a brief story of one of our student who became an adopted son in our family called Joseph. Joseph was a shy guy when we met.  He was quite young and was in his second year at Makerere University. He came from a fairly big family – a family in which every one is basically for themselves.  To Joseph I became like a father, for some unknown reason I just loved the young guy. He was always there when you wanted anything done and he became so used to us that we brought him literally into our home on most Sundays after church.  Joseph became a huge helper to our little girls, he had a unique love for children, they became so close and loved him. Joseph loved God with all his heart and anywhere you sent him he would go and do whatever was asked.  He had a unique love for sounds and music and  eventually became our real high tech guru in the church. To make a long story short Joseph graduated from the university and immediately got a job in radio as a producer and just two years later got married. Today he has two kids and a key Elder at UCf faithfully serving Jesus. He is one young man that I am so deeply proud of,  and together we keep dreaming of what great things we still need to do for Jesus. I wish for many more Joseph’s and am praying for more Joseph’s type to emerge.

As we continue to grow our deepest desire is that God will establish His work at UCF well.  We are right now in the middle of a HUGE building project that we started early this year constructing our main worship hall. We have reached a stage where we can not move further without additional help and prayer and support from you.  So in this blog I just want to ask you to pray with us that God will open the doors and provide the resources we need to fully complete this big project that we strongly believe is for His glory.

Two key area of prayer support that I kindly ask you to join us in as we look to God.

1.  Do pray that the Lord will raise a new brand of passionate students (the Joseph’s type) who will really desire to honor God with their lives and consider to be part of what God is doing right now at UCf.  For my own sanity, I would really love to see God answering that prayer. Ten years is a long time to be in a place where hundreds come and hundreds walk out with just a few remaining, lots of people keep saying hey, welcome to student ministry! But I am asking God to change that for us; would you join us in praying specifically about that.

2.  For the huge building project that has left us totally paralyzed and flat on our face. Would you pray that God will supernaturally provide for His work and literally multiply the meager giving of the student’s congregation. We know “He owns a thousand cattle on a hill” our prayer is that some of those cattle that God owns will be sold and the money given toward the completion of The UCF building. Please pray specifically for God’s 
supernatural provision on our behalf.

Once again can I say to you, thank you friends for your love, thank you so much for believing in us and thank you for your continued prayers and support.  As we journey toward the end of this year our hearts desire is that God will truly glorify Himself as He shows Himself strong our behalf and with your prayers we trust God will do that which will truly bring Him glory.
Every blessing to you.

For His renown

Micah and Grace Rwothumio.    

Friday, 2 November 2012


Update from Micah: 

For a while we have not been able to communicate to many of you, but I want to let you know that all is well with us though there has been so much challenges and needs. The work at the University Church Fellowship (UCF) is moving on steadily and quite challenging as we continue to minister to the needs of the students and also the huge building project that has to this point come to a standstill.

Early October we lost our dad and that was a huge blow to us, but I am glad to share with you that dad's departure was a huge send off and a great celebration for many people who came for the burial. God was greatly honored in the service people went back with a great witness of God's love and power. My Dad was a pastor and his ministry touched and changed many lives, people really came for the burial. It is coming close to a month now after his death and people are still coming home. Thank you so much for praying for us for those who heard about our loss.

The family is doing well. Grace and the girls are all doing fine, the girls are moving on steadily with their school, going through the normal challenges of teens. One great thing about our girls is their love and commitment to Jesus and the local church.  Both seem to help them a lot as they go through the challenges in life. Reba is heavily involved in the worship team and plays the key board so well for the choir - she is a great player and wants to pursue music in future. So please keep them in your prayers.

I am hoping that through this blog I can be able to quickly up-date you often on what is going on with us here, in the mean time please keep us in prayer as we come to the end of this year. Would you take some time and pray with us over this few areas of concerns:

1. Pray for my family as we go through this huge changes in the life of our family special prayer for my Mom who is basically alone in the home now pray for comfort and strength and for God's provision for her needs.

2. Pray for the HUGE UCF building project that has came to a stall, to this point we have not raised enough funds to complete the work, pray that we will not give up, but trust the Lord for the completion of this project, that God will provide the remaining funds. 

3. Pray for UCF and the new people coming to church that they will be grounded in the word of God and for greater sense of community and fellowship. pray that God will strengthen emerging leaders in the church.

4. Keep us in prayer for our girls as they study and for wisdom as they face the challenges of life.

5. Pray that God will continue to provide for our family needs and also meet the many demands in the family and the ministry at large.

We greatly appreciate your continued love, care and support and encourage you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue with our ministry here in Kampala - Uganda. Blessings to you and will get back to you again before the year ends

Blessings to all of you,

Micah and Grace Rwothumio.